have to zoom out the page to a ridiculus degree to be able to see the entire screen (to the point i can't see what i'm typing rn) but the game itself is pretty fun
have to zoom out the page to a ridiculus degree to be able to see the entire screen (to the point i can't see what i'm typing rn) but the game itself is pretty fun
too laggy in ruffle, havent tried it on the ng player yet
ok yeah this is amazing 10/10
wordly defense but awesome
looks and plays exactly like something id have plaed on the hotwheels website back in the day, great job!
(docked 1/2 a star bcs the load time was really long and some background textures were missing but still i love it!)
high score: 1955
edit: so both of the problems i had fixed themselves when i replayed it so ig that works
there was one spot i got stuck in, but still, amazing
great concept, would be very fun as a full game!
edit: played more, i now want thr full game thank u
imagine bleeding out, and seeing your roomba roll up to you, clean up all the blood and leave
(edit: serious feedback, game was really fun but i think you should add an indicator showing you the direction where the base is as it was kinda hard to find when everything's monochrome)
great game! :3
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Joined on 9/2/22