To the guy saying that theres another portal flash game on ng... shit.
thats why this ones called Re:/ Flashed.
it even links to it in the description, how are you this dense
To the guy saying that theres another portal flash game on ng... shit.
thats why this ones called Re:/ Flashed.
it even links to it in the description, how are you this dense
Troll's just gonna troll
love the game, Weekend 1 kinda mid
great concept! wish you could look at the cards youve taken, especially after taking the "ai generated" card
also shooter is a bit op
whats up mothershuckers
edit/reply: no
ending is like metroids ending but epic
really good game! almost like something id have played on kongregate back in the day
this is inter3sting
nice tribute, but some of the medals dont work
edit: im idot, u have to click on some of the images for their medals
Let me know which medals you are struggling with, and what browser you are on, I'll look into it, because they should all be working.
wish you could actually export the top drawings as a font file, but still really cool!
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Joined on 9/2/22