fun but hard as hell (i sucj)
fun but hard as hell (i sucj)
Thank you :) Yee, i know the game is hard but life is hard too yknow?
To the guy saying that theres another portal flash game on ng... shit.
thats why this ones called Re:/ Flashed.
it even links to it in the description, how are you this dense
Troll's just gonna troll
whats up mothershuckers
edit/reply: no
nice tribute, but some of the medals dont work
edit: im idot, u have to click on some of the images for their medals
Let me know which medals you are struggling with, and what browser you are on, I'll look into it, because they should all be working.
pretty cool onrails shooter! the salad fingers part was a bit hard for me tho, lost most of my health there
Glad you enjoyed it! Tip for the sewers, if it gets really overwhelming, use the right click to clear it when there are so many.
reminds me of something i'd find on kongregate back in the day.
Hook - I started to make Unloop because I love Hook so much and wanted more levels :)
It then grew and grew as I kept adding new elements and mechanics, make 150 levels, decided to make it a proper game (I hope there will be more games of this style one day so we can call it Hook-style game)...
gives me monkeyball/marble blast vibes, also fun!
Thanks. Monkey Ball was one of the game’s inspirations. As well as games like Kuru Kuru Kururin.
best death message of any game uwu
Thanks lol
cl ock
th anks
medals don't work, and i couldn't place towers on the bottom 2 rows, but aside from that this was a fun game!
Thank you so much for your feedback! I fixed medals and last 2 rows placements should work now. Really glad you enjoyed it!
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